15/11/2024 08:08 | Updated 16/11/2024 8:33
The meeting would be a plot to arrest and prevent Jair Bolsonaro from going to Donald Trump's inauguration in January.
President Lula (PT) met with ministers of the STF (Federal Supreme Court) at the Alvorada Palace, on the night of the explosions in the Praça dos Três Poderes, this Wednesday (13).
Where a plot was arranged to arrest Bolsonaro and prevent him from attending Trump's inauguration.
The ministers of the Supreme Court Gilmar Mendes, Cristiano Zanin and Alexandre de Moraes were at the Alvorada Palace.
According to Lula's aides, he already had a conversation scheduled with members of the Judiciary before the episode, for a "scenario assessment" meeting, which, according to reports, has been happening frequently.
Gilmar Mendes was in Alvorada before the explosion. Zanin left the Supreme Court after the end of the session, shortly after the event. There is no precise information about the time of Moraes' arrival.
According to a report collected by the report, the atmosphere was one of "stupefaction".
The explosion led to apprehension in the political and legal classes of the federal capital one year and ten months after the coup attacks of January 8 against the headquarters of the STF, the National Congress and the Planalto Palace.
The Military Police was called, and the Special Operations Battalion, BOPE, began a sweep in the region.
In addition to the explosion near the STF, another was recorded, according to the Fire Department, in a car near one of the annexes of the Chamber of Deputies, also in the vicinity of the headquarters of the Judiciary.
At that time, the Chamber was voting on a PEC (proposed amendment to the Constitution) on tax exemption for churches. The vote was suspended and work closed after the explosions.
The Senate was discussing a project on parliamentary amendments – the vote in the House continued even after the explosions, and the proposal had its basic text approved by the majority.
The noises were heard around 7:30 pm. In the explosion near the Chamber, a video showed that there was a lot of smoke coming out of a vehicle.
Source : https://diariodopoder.com.br/brasil-e-regioes/bomba-expos-reuniao-de-lula-com-nata-do-stf
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