Completed my first total plasma exchange (TPE). Removing all the plasma in my body and replacing with Albumin.
This is different from what I did last year: removing 1 L of plasma from my body and then replacing it with 1 L of plasma from my blood boy @talmagejohnson_ . I gave my one liter of plasma to my father.
This time around there's no blood boy involved.
TPE removes all of my body’s plasma and replaces it with Albumin. The therapy objectives are to remove toxins from my body. The evidence is emergent.
Others use TPE for autoimmune disorders, blood disorders, neurological conditions, transplant-related complications, and replacement of missing plasma components.
As we normally do, we completed a bunch of baseline measurements before this therapy including toxins but other things too such as speed of aging, organ ages, microplastics and many other biomarkers. I'll do six total treatments.
The operator, who’s been doing TPE for 9 years, said my plasma is the cleanest he’s ever seen. By far. He couldn’t get over it. When we finished, he couldn’t bring himself to throw it away. He was imagining all the good that it could do in the world.
On people’s face as PRP therapy. In their body, rejuvenating organs. There is probably a path to auction off or donate my plasma on this next go around. Liquid gold.
Remember that when my father received 1 L of my plasma his speed of aging dropped by 25 years and stayed that way for six months. We don’t know if it was from my super plasma or if it was from removing his plasma, but the results are interesting nonetheless.
The whole procedure took just under 2 hours.
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